Place Liedts
Place Liedts
Place Liedts
Place Liedts
Place Liedts today is a chaotic concentration of transport: cars, trams, bikes, steps and pedestrians.
From previous research in group in the first part of the design studio, it was stated that Place Liedts is a landmark for lots of people: living, working, commuting...
It is certainly a place to remember. Place Liedts is never empty, never quiet. 
The center of the place, furnished with four trees and surrounding benches, is highly used by a mix of people (locals, homeless, people waiting for jobs...). This spot brings people together and is perfect to have an overview.

Physical collage made during groupwork.

But Place Liedts will change. 
The plan to have a metro line making the north-south connection also involves Liedts. Aside the present tram stops, a metro stop will be installed. Preparational constructions are already going on. Adding more chaos, more obstacles, more noise during the actual construction of the metro will turn Place Liedts into an unbearable place to be.
So during this period of building and demolishing, I want to introduce my project as an escape route to saver, greener, opener and quieter ‘resorts’. A temporary alternative for open space. 

Mapping of functions.

Mapping the functions around Place Liedts gave an interesting insight.  A lot of abandoned buildings were detected, with or without visible former function, seen on the map as black spots.
This astonishingly high amount of empty buildings led to the making of a catalog of emptiness, classifying 27 building by height, useful square meters, colors and former function. 
Underneath a couple of examples:
A selection of the catalog was made of interesting houses to intervene on, this network was created surrounding the Liedts square. The interventions would be temporary, keeping in mind that after the metro is built, something permanent can take over or that the temporary intervention can become permanent.

Network of the interventions surrounding Place Liedts.

S -interventions
Small but significant gestures that puts the abandoned buildings in the spotlight, accentuating and confronting their place in the urban fabric. 
Rue d'Aerschot
Rue d'Aerschot
Rue de la Reine
Rue de la Reine
Rue Rogier
Rue Rogier
M -interventions
These buildings are used in their current state with a minimum of change. They provide a function and open space as (temporary) alternative to Place Liedts.
Rue Brichaut
Rue Brichaut
Rue Brichaut
Rue Brichaut
The garage will be opened and turn into an inside playground for kids. The interior is one open space because of its former function as workspace for cars. This is ideal to cycle, to run, to skate, to step... 
By adding a ramp, a goal, some chairs,... this can be realized.
Another aspect was to insert a structure on the roof (urban tree house), that would serve as a look-out or observatory upon the constructions happening on Liedts place. People can go up there to check upon the works, to look down for once on the Liedts Place. It would be an unique opportunity for inhabitants to observe Schaerbeek from a higher level.
The building is changed while still keeping its original character. This intervention has a bigger impact on its surroundings and has multiple layers of concepts. 

Plan of L -intervention 1:100.

The intention here was to open up an empty building and create an inside green space. Over the years the inside courtyard of the abandoned building became interior space. There is a connection with an empty building in Rue d’Aerschot and a condemned building located in the same building block close to Place Liedts was also integrated. These connections led to the creation of a path in between the building block. The path would be a green oasis, a hidden shortcut and a literal escape route of the constructions happening at Place Liedts.
In the park there is a laundry salon and a small bar located to densify the use of the park and path. The park closes at night to sustain the privacy and safety of the surrounding residents.
The park is unique because of its location inside the building block. This influences the amount of sun light each place gets depending on the surrounding houses. Each space has a different character because of what was before, the vegetation and the materials used. Depending on the orientation of the sun, different activities can take place on various location.

Model 1:100.

This project was part of the exhibition 'TESTGROND/TEST GROUND/JARDIN D'ESSAI' in Brussels.

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